재생 0| 등록 2019.09.10

LUNA of#UHSN wants to share what her entire experience in her first #…

LUNA of#UHSN wants to share what her entire experience in her first #KCON2019LA meant for her! Find out her story and share with us your own special memories from #KCON and we bid you goodbye until next year? #KCON #KCON2019 #LETSKCON #LUNAxKCON

영상물 등급   15세 이상 시청가
방영일           2019. 08. 15
카테고리       예능


당신이 좋아 할 만한 영상

  • TV조선
  • MBN
  • Jtbc
  • CJ ENM
  • KBS
  • MBC
  • SBS