재생 0| 등록 2019.08.12

SEVENTEEN did some fan requests back in KCON 2018 LA. Let's hear what…

SEVENTEEN did some fan requests back in KCON 2018 LA. Let's hear what the members have to say about their experience! Share your memories from #KCON and get ready to meet the iconic #SEVENTEEN again in #KCON2019LA #KCON #KCON2019 #LETSKCON

영상물 등급   15세 이상 시청가
방영일           2019. 08. 15
카테고리       예능


당신이 좋아 할 만한 영상

  • TV조선
  • MBN
  • Jtbc
  • CJ ENM
  • KBS
  • MBC
  • SBS